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Vitaminnica Testo Booster Capsules 60's

Vitaminnica Testo Booster Capsules 60's

Product Description

Testo boosters are supplementary substances that can be used for the purpose of increasing testosterone levels in the blood. Testosterone is the principal male sex hormone, but it is also present in females, though at much lower levels. Vitaminnica Testo Booster capsules helps improve men's health by increasing strength and stamina. Our capsules are made naturally to maintain a healthy weight, relieve stress along with improvement in muscle strength.

Usage Instructions

Consume 1 capsule with water every day, preferably after the meal. Do not exceed recommended intake unless advised or directed by a professional healthcare.

Product Benefits

·         Strengthens Muscle Mass

·         Increases Workout Stamina

·         Build Stronger Bones

·         Enhances Greater Sexual Activity

·         Improves Mood Addiction

  • Brand: Vitaminnica
  • Product Code: 23397
  • Stock: 9
  • Model
  • RRP: £23.99